Arm and Elbow Fractures

Arm and Elbow Fractures

Fractures to the arm and elbow are common orthopedic injuries and are usually the result of a traumatic injury. Treatment for fractures depends on the severity of the fracture and the treatment plan chosen by your physician.

Prolonged immobilization (splinting or casting), controlled mobility with splinting, or surgery are options usually required to help heal the fracture properly. A series of splints may be required to assist in regaining lost mobility as the healing progresses.

Along with this casting or support, a comprehensive therapy program may be prescribed by your physician. A combination of exercises, stretches, treatments, and modalities will be used to help increase strength, improve range of motion, and reduce swelling to help you regain your optimal level of function.
Kleiser Therapy Treats Arm and Elbow Fractures
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