Frozen Shoulder

Adhesive Capsulitis
Frozen Shoulder

One of the more common shoulder injuries is a condition called Adhesive Capsulitis, commonly known as a Frozen Shoulder. Surrounding the shoulder are numerous muscles and structures that assist in providing motion and stability to the area. However, the shoulder capsule can often become very tight, resulting in significant limitation of normal shoulder rotation.

The causes of Frozen Shoulder are not well understood. However, people who suffer from diabetes, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), or prolonged periods of shoulder immobilization seem to experience this condition more frequently than the general population.

A common conservative treatment for Adhesive Capsulitis is a comprehensive rehabilitation program that includes exercises, treatments, and modalities to help increase range of motion and reduce the pain. It is very important for the patient to understand the injury, follow the therapist’s specific instructions for exercises, and to properly complete their home exercises. A complete therapy program will often overcome the symptoms without the need for further medical attention.

In more severe cases, your physician may recommend pain relief injections or surgery to help free up the chronically tight shoulder. A comprehensive therapy program will usually be prescribed after surgery to increase range of motion and reduce the chance of recurrence of the injury.
Kleiser Therapy Treats Frozen Shoulder
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